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Shelby County Metro
FOP Lodge # 35
P.O. Box 58
Ellendale, TN 38029
Phone/Fax 901-373-3650
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Message From Lodge President
April 5th, 2020
Brothers and Sisters, I am sending this out to all of you and your families with hopes that everyone is doing well and staying healthy.  As you may or may not know, our April monthly meeting has been canceled due to having nowhere to meet  but most importantly to keep us all safe.  Hopefully we will be able to meet again in friendship and brotherhood in May but we will have to see how this crisis plays out.  This virus has had a huge impact all over the world and as you can tell from the news and the numbers put out every day, it is not getting any better.  Let us all do our part to practice social distancing and staying home whenever possible, not a very easy thing to do for those of us still working.  Take the precautions necessary if you do go out and sanitize, sanitize, sanitize!!!  Hopefully this Pandemic will run it's course here soon and we can get back to a hopefully normal way of life.  Let us take care of each other and please reach out if you are in need of anything or if you know of anyone in need.  Again, to our older and retired members, if you need a ride to a doctor's appointment or anywhere else important, reach out to a Board member or any member.  We are our Brother's and Sister's Keepers and we need to remember that.  I hope everyone gets through this unscathed but remember we are all in this together and we need to take care of each other.  We are F.O.P. Strong!!!!!!  Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

-George Cave, President Lodge #35

All Rights Reserved 1968-2020 Shelby County Metro Lodge #35

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